A man called Stephen Covey once said, ‘the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing’! So, what for me, have been the main things in my time at St Christopher’s or at least what have I hoped they’d be? (And I know, he means you should only have one main thing…let’s say it’s Jesus)
That God loves us no matter what & we should try to love others in the same way
That God wants to welcome all & we should too
That God created us all different and the whole world a diverse place which we should be thankful for
That God prioritises the least & the smallest & the weakest who often get left out or ignored by us or the world & we should try to do the same
That I think we should always try our hardest to communicate the love of God in the clearest way possible through stories, and illustrations and our lives
That, like St Christopher, we are called to Christ-bearers – to carry Jesus to others where they are
And that we can be realistic about life and faith and their challenges and pain because we follow a God who died on the cross and understands suffering and meets us in it – it won’t all be sweetness and light if you’re a Christian but you will have a friend with you through it – Jesus.
Finally, be resilient – not in your own strength but in God’s strength. Keep calm and carry on!
Adrian and I will miss you all terribly. You have been friends to me and then to us as we have got married and now as we take this next big step and we know you will carry on praying for us, and us for you in the days and months and years ahead. THANK YOU!!!