“Life in all its fullness” – Vicar’s comment

Our memory verses for the summer are taken from Psalm 139.

In the opening verse of that Psalm David says ‘O LORD, you have searched me and you know me’ (NIV), before going into further detail about how God knows him inside-out.

However, at the end of the Psalm David asks God to ‘See if there is any offensive way in me,’ (verse 24, NIV).

So which is it? Does God know us completely already or do we have to invite Him in to discover what’s going on deep inside us?? Well, of course, God does know us totally.

And therefore David asking God to search him surely has to do with David’s desire for self-knowledge – that God would show David the things that need to change.

Hopefully this summer offers opportunity for some rest and reflection, and I hope you will take some time both to ponder God’s love for you in Christ as well as invite Him to show you the things about yourself He wants to change.

Not so that you might despair, but so that going forward you might experience more of the life in all its fullness which Jesus spoke of.

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