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Here are some questions you might have about coming to a church service.
What happens in church?
People will have an immense variety of experience of church, ranging from none at all to familiarity with many places of worship.
If you are a bit apprehensive about coming to a church service here, then we hope that the answers to the following questions will help you to feel more relaxed about a visit.
Do I have to pay anything when I come to church?
No, you don’t have to pay anything – it’s always free. There’s never an admission charge for worship.
We do not pass a plate or bag around during the service for a collection.
You’ll be welcome if you have a deep Christian faith, or if you believe in another faith or if you have no faith at all.
What should I wear?
There are no rules – written or unwritten!
People wear what they like and are comfortable in, which is mostly casual clothing (t-shirts, jeans, dresses, trousers etc). . . though you may on occasion see more formal dress like a shirt & tie, and that’s fine too!
What time does it start?
Our Sunday service starts at 10am.
Arriving a few minutes beforehand would be ideal – there will be people around to chat with if you are earlier, and please don’t worry if you are late, you will be very welcome whenever you arrive.
People use the few minutes before the service in various ways – to relax / get into the right frame of mind / chat with friends / pray quietly.
Where can I park?
Our church building is within Tudor Grange Samworth Academy, but the school car park is not open on a Sunday. There is plenty of on-road parking but please avoid the zig-zags and other parking restrictions.
What else do I need to know?
We are a small and welcoming church so we will try to make you welcome and answer any immediate questions you have.
We enjoy being visited and/or people coming to see what sort of church we are. Feel free to make yourself known to anyone nearby; we’re confident you will get a friendly response!
You can sit anywhere – on the chairs or on the bench seating behind.
The service leader will always announce what will be happening next and invite people to sit or stand as appropriate / possible.
Will it be awkward if I have small children with me?
People live in families, and families are welcome at church.
Children are part of the church family and they are welcome even when they make their presence very clear!
Children of about four years or older will spend most of the service with our Investigators group. You can take younger children, if they are restless or noisy, into the Meeting room where there will be toys or activity sheets for them, and there is an audio relay of the service there.
Once a month (usually the 4th Sunday) and in school holidays we have an ‘All-age’ service and children participate in worship along with their families (the Meeting room is still available).
Am I expected to join in with the hymns and songs?
It’s really up to personal choice again. You can join in as you want to or just listen – we know that people will be at different stages of faith (or even no faith), and so there is no pressure whatsoever to actively participate.
We sing a variety of traditional hymns and more modern songs and will introduce a new song every couple of months or so.
What are the different parts that make up the service?
Every service follows a kind of pattern. We’re fairly flexible, so the pattern changes and the words used will be different one week to the next.
As well as singing, there will be times when we listen to the Bible being read, and a talk from a minister showing how the passages have meaning for our lives today. Times for prayer, prepared or spontaneous, give opportunity for praise, seeking forgiveness, and asking for God’s help in our own lives and those of others who need help in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ways.
And of course, at Holy Communion we share bread and wine in remembering Jesus in his death and life.
Should I take the bread and wine?
When we celebrate Holy Communion, we are following Jesus’ desire for his followers to remember him in this way. The Bible makes it clear that we should share in this event with the right attitude and after careful thought.
You will be welcome to join in if you are a baptised or ‘christened’ member of a church and sincere in wanting to follow Jesus as Lord.
At the time of communion, people remain seated and the minister brings the bread and wine round to them.
Children who have received Admission to Communion either at St Christophers or at a previous Church of England church can receive Communion before being confirmed. If they have not yet received Admission to Communion then the minister will pray a blessing for them. If you are unsure about what Admission to Communion means, please ask our minister.
Hold out your hands if you wish to receive, otherwise keep them in your lap and the minister will instead ask if you would like to receive a short prayer of blessing.
Adults who decide to make St.Christopher’s their spiritual ‘home’ and regularly take communion will (after settling in) be invited to think about getting confirmed (if they have not been already).
What happens after the service?
Tea/coffee/squash and biscuits are served immediately after the service, and most people stay to have a chat.
Different services tend to finish at different times. An ‘All-age’ service should finish at about 11.00. Other services differ: normally twice monthly there will be a refreshment break around 11.15, after which those who wish to, stay in small groups to discuss some questions arising from the talk in the service, finishing by 12.00. Services which don’t have small groups (but are not ‘All Age’) finish around 11:30.
Look at our ‘Current Services’ page for a reminder about which type of service is planned.
If you are exploring what St Christophers (or any real church) is about, you might like to have a look at this video – it’s 6-7 minutes long – from our vicar Chris Collins. The Christian message in a nutshell

A recent 'Welcome' lunch for newly joined church members