Although we are situated within the Tudor Grange Samworth Academy (a Church of England school) we have the same type of financial responsibilities as any other church in the diocese. So we rely on our members to support our work and ministry to people in this part of the city as described in our Mission statement and plan. We give from what God has given to us.
These are the four ways by which you can support the work of St Christophers financially.
1. Cash/cheques (payable to St Christophers PCC) can be placed in the donations box in the church entrance corridor.
We can claim Gift Aid on any cash donation up to £30 without a completed Declaration form.
2. Adjacent to the donations box a QR code is displayed. Using a mobile phone to scan the code, you can make an on-line donation if your phone has the appropriate app installed.
3. You can also make an on-line donation using this link which will take you to our online giving site, managed by ‘Give a little’. This site will open in a new tab.
4. Most of our income comes via regular standing orders members make with their bank. Should you wish to donate in this way, please speak to our churchwarden, Rob Pike, who will put you in touch with our treasurer who will let you know the church’s bank details. Please consider completing a Gift Aid declaration form if you pay income tax.
St Christophers Church, 50 Trenant Road, off Saffron Lane, LEICESTER. LE2 6UA
A Church of England church in the Diocese of Leicester
Church Office number: 0116 278 0234
All rights reserved St Christophers Church, LEICESTER