I have a bit of a feeling St Christopher’s is about enter a new phase in its life……and I like it.

I’m not going to say much about it in this short comment, but the conviction has been growing that there is power in the name of Jesus. I know that’s obvious, right??

Well, yes….on paper.

But in our prayers – wherever, whenever – we need to remember that the name of Jesus reminds us that the burden of bringing our prayers to pass is all in the hands of our God.

The temptation, of course, is to pray for things that we think are within our reach anyway, that might come about ‘naturally’ anyhow.

But the famous evangelist George Mueller said ‘Faith begins where man’s (i.e. human) power ends’.

When we acknowledge that there truly are things utterly beyond our power and yet ask God to do them….well, that’s faith.

Jesus is the one to whom ‘all authority on heaven and earth has been given’ (Matthew 28:18 NIV). And if Jesus commissions us to be his ambassadors, giving us permission to ask for things in his name…..well, that changes things big time!!!!

Like all of us, I’m on a learning curve with this, but it’s a learning curve I’m loving! 🙂

I hope you will too 🙂

Yours in Christ,
Revd Chris Collins

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