At a recent meeting with the bishop of Leicester Martyn Snow, church representatives were encouraged to think about ‘discipleship’.

It’s a word we don’t use much in normal life, if ever, but it’s a regular go-to word in the gospels – the first followers of Jesus (and that’s more than the 12) are often called ‘disciples’.

This word is perhaps difficult to translate but I think the combination ‘learner-follower’ is good. And that means obedience to the teaching of the Lord Jesus……but more than that it means committing ourselves to Him personally, wherever He leads us, because He is alive today.

In Matthew 28:19 (commonly known as the ‘great commission’) Jesus’ early followers are told to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ (NIV). That’s the language Jesus uses about anyone who will put their faith in Him, wherever they are in the world – they will be disciples…..learner- followers of Jesus.

The question for us is whether we will take hold of that title and run with it this 2019 and beyond.

Yours in Christ
Rev Chris Collins

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