I wonder if you like surprises.   If you’re like me you probably want to answer ‘depends what it is’.

Sometimes Christian ministry offers up surprises.

At Christmas we did a new visitor-friendly service at St C’s, and held an after-school Christmas event at our other local school.

From things people had said, I’d been expecting a group of visitors for the former, but hardly any for the latter.

But it ended up being very much the other way round, with the event ‘out there’ in the community attracting far more people.

Jesus said to his Father in John 17: 18 regarding his disciples: ‘As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world’ (NIV).

Hopefully our experience will encourage us as a church to venture ‘out there’ more and more in 2018 and beyond.

Yours in Christ
Rev. Chris Collins

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