Services during Covid-19

We have resumed 10 a.m. services at St Christophers as from 6th September.

The pattern will remain the same as much as possible, with Morning Worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays and Holy Communion on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in the month.

We will be meeting in the Academy’s Sports Hall, which allows plenty of room for safe seating.

Illustrates service in Sports Hall

Taken before the start of the first service in the Sports Hall

The direct entrance into the Hall will be signposted from the approach to the school.

  • Morning Worship will last no more than one hour; Holy Communion a little longer.
  • Toilets are available if necessary, but please go at home beforehand to try to avoid their use and the increase in risk of infection.
  • Hand sanitiser is provided for use on entering and leaving the Hall.
  • Seating will be spaced at 2 metres, with the provision for household groups to sit together.
  • Please also wear a face covering.
  • Bread and wine at Communion will be provided in a safe manner.
  • There will be no congregational singing or live music.
  • Video recordings of the sermon will continue to be available on the St Christophers YouTube site.